Aug 24·edited Aug 25Liked by Person Online

The anti work people would’ve been the first in the gulag. “Those who do not work do not eat.”

Ironically it’s a lack of capitalism pushing up the housing prices, not too much. The housing market is highly regulated preventing houses from being built, apartments being made out of warehouses etc, and labour has been crushed by state subsidized migration.

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I agree an approach to office work that was task-based instead of "look busy for 8 hours" based would be a vast improvement in corporate culture. I've often thought about what this would look like from a management perspective. How would one handle a team of people doing this? It's so generally against the grain of current management approaches that no one would dare try. But someone should!

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Lots of smaller and privately held companies are like this. Large, public companies need predictable, quarterly results in order to keep the whole thing moving. Plus, when you have layers and layers of management, it’s difficult to determine if anyone is actually accomplishing anything particularly useful.

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Agreed. However, I've never encountered a smaller company like this. At least the ones I've worked at and the ones I've seen don't follow this approach. Would love to see it though.

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I guess what I was really thinking of was the times I’ve worked for startups. I shouldn’t overextend my anecdotal observation to small businesses or regional companies or whatnot.

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