This is nothing. G. Gordon Liddy's right wing radio show in the 90's had the "Stacked and Packed" Calendar. Which was women in bikini's with various large firearms.

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talk about stacked and packed, scroll down through this photo-essay:


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I dont know what I prefer more - the Raw combative insanity of America, The mad max Like retarded Chaos of Australia or the demented apathetic misery of NZ and Canada...

Im thinking America ... only because the gas is cheap.,..

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checked your site, OB, and it's a hoot. You write like Thomas McGuane and Charles Burkowski and a wild-and-crazy 1-armed guy in the jungle https://liborsoural.substack.com/

who contributes to my site.

Write on, OB, the keyboard gods are with you.

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Feel free to take stuff from me to contribute to you site :)

The more readers, the closer I get to the Nexflix sell out moment.

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I'll subscribe to your free site if you'll subscribe to mine!

As for sharing, I usually attach a related link from my site when I'm engaging in conversations on other sites: I feel my hard work and superior writing and thinking skills deserve to read far and wide.

As do yours.

In the end, for all my concerns about the coming-collapse of complex societies, I enjoy writing my articles, and engaging with other substack writers.

Even with folks from down under, eh mate?

As for Netflix, your fictional-imaginative-narrative-creative stuff has a better shot at stardom than my book reviews and political-debate oriented rants. But I'd be glad to do a cameo walk-on part when you hit the Netflix jackpot.

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Fantastic man! GReat to hear and meet you :) !


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ps, my travelling days are long over, but i'd like to write about all the places I didn't get to visit.

Maybe when this whole political storm in America is over (will it ever be?) then I can set aside my apocalyptic doomsday warnings (cf my Neo-Fascism: A Warning site) and start a new site: Places I Wanted to Visit, But Never Did. Well, a catchier title is clearly needed. But you get the idea.

Meanwhile, it's time for my cocoa and cookies, and then back to work saving America from Adolf Trump. Sigh. Can't the CIA just zap him with a space laser or something? Make America Normal Again.

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